
Our Red Beledi Dress

One more red costume to complete, still working on the bra....the dress is all cutout, waiting for the pieces to be serged. It's a drag to change the threads on the serger, but necessary. Covering a bra is challenging but fun; I do enjoy hand sewing. If I could just stay off line, I'd be done. I chose the BD Pattern # 1003. Sewer beware, I'd suggest only using 60" wide fabric. I learned the hard way and had to detach the sleeves on a couple of the dresses.
Sad to say the fabric was not wide enough. My "test" costume, was shorter than I liked. The shorter version works well with harem pants. Adding length makes a perfect "beledi dress". I found the orginal fabric at a WalMart. At $1 per yard I purchased the entire bolt! It was not enough for everyone, so we had to go with alternate choices of fabric.

I made 4 of the dresses on the picture, I not going to tell which ones, but I'm so very proud of my troupe. We are blessed to have a talented blended group. This is a supportive group of women. I "heart" them all.

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